
Important SEO Tips to Optimizing your Website


1. Placement of keyword: where you use your keyword is as important as how many times you use your keyword. It is very important that you place your keyword in title of your page, similarly it is very important to have your key word in URL of your website and at last it is very important that you use your keyword in first 100 words of your page.

2. Time spend on your website: Longer the time a user spends on your website, higher rank it will have with google. Make your website as user friendly as possible, to do that use lots of subheading and bullet points. which make it easier and interesting for a user and he will stay long on your website.

3. Lose the dead weight: Google recently stated that they prefer "One stronger page versus many smaller pages". Pages on your website which do not bring any traffic or very little traffic can be a main reason for the low ranking of your website.

As Google doesn't rank website that are loaded with thin and low-quality content. In this case just get rid of all the dead pages on your website and you will see drastic change in ranking of your website.

4. Use related keyword: We all know the importance of keyword, what most of use choose to ignore is that need to add synonyms and other related keywords in your content is equally important.

Why this is important, as google uses an algorithm called Hummingbird which allow google go beyond your simple keyword search and try to understand the topic just like a human do. So, adding related keywords and synonyms will make your page more SEO friendly and help in the increase of your website ranking.

5. Add text to Infographics, Podcasts and Videos: Visual art like infographics and podcasts are great way to attract users but the main problem with it is that google don't understand them. So, to overcome that barrier make sure to add lots text to your visual art so google knows what your trying to tell and can bring user to you accordingly.

6. Regular content update: Make sure to regular update your old pages. As old pages are like dead weight which slows the traffic to your website, so if you have old blogs which are just there and not bring any traffic to website so make sure to update them regularly so it won't slow down the website.

7. Speed Test: Google don't like websites which take ages to open and lower their rank. So, to overcome this make sure you don't have this problem with your website and get rid of anything which is making your website slow. as we all know future is fast.

8. Importance of X: Most important thing people tend to forget in both life and SEO is the value of X. Most of the time when people are looking for high end words, they are generally looking for definition. So, if you are aiming for the high-end keyword make sure to use some content focusing on answering that.

9. Focus on organic CTR: When you improve your organic CTR more people will click on your website in results. best way to do that is to use questions tag titles on your website, as it is shown in various studies that titles with the question are search more than titles without question in them.

So please tell us what you think about it and what have we missed, and if you are also looking for a SEO friendly website please contact us as we have team of experts at onTime Infotech to look after all your IT needs.

  • Mussum ipsum cacilds

    Post by 22/07/2017

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